Who we are and what we do?
Who we are and what we do?
We find the best games on
the market and publish them
We provide help with
- Traffic
- PR&Marketing
- Featuring
Without taking your game rights away
How do we do that?
How do we do that?

of traffic
of traffic
- We test your game on a relevant audience for free. That means we give you free installs to analyze the performance and do not ask for anything in return
- Examination of the purchase of traffic in any country and in unlimited volumes. We will attract the audience without stopping until it ends
- We can get you mobile traffic in any market and country. Unlike our competitors, we have the ability to target Asian audience, including Chinese
- Always fresh users. Our traffic is paid-only, so we don’t have to use the same audience for every game we promote, so the scalability is guaranteed
Game design
Game design
- We’ll help you improve your metrics.
Monetization, balance and ads are our speciality - Deep knowledge of in-game ads - we know how to predict your future ad profits
- Game genre doesn’t matter: we succeed in everything from hyper-casual to hardcore


ASO and other
ASO and other
- Featured apps promotion. In a long-term partnership, we’ll be using all of our resources to promote your game in all kinds of «Featured» listings on every store
- Any help in ASO and marketing assets. We have a few dozen designers and ASO specialists. Whenever you need any store optimization, we’reready to help
- You’re set up for life. During lifetime of your game we’ll be making constant revisions and improvements
Wanna publish your game in no time?

How things
work here
How things
work here

Let’s meet. We tell you how we operate and discuss the future of your app. You describe the amount of money and support you want. Together we’ll establish the way we communicate and work. Already have a finished game? Tell us about it!

We discuss the agreement, every detail, revenue share and anything that matters. Or we share not only the revenue, but also the responsibility. We discuss the contract in details until we reach a happy mutual agreement.
Plan your game’s future development and current goals. Create several oadmaps and choose the right one. Our goal is to work together as a team and as equals. We never force you to do anything. Every final decision is yours to make.
Also, we keep the money matters as transparent as they could possibly be

- Doing free tests on relevant audiences. We’re top experts in gaming traffic which means we know exactly what kind of audience your product needs.
- We choose and set up the analytics software for you defining the most vital performance indicators.OR We’ll choose the analytics software and strategy that meet both your current and future demands
- Making everything even better. Analyzing for you test results, making plans for the future updates and choosing the growth vectors

For the whole game life cycle we’ll be doing numerous optimizations such as new traffic sources (not just mobile ads), new audiences, retargeting (if it’ worth it) and searching for new markets
Global scaling. Successful ad campaigns will be scaled and optimized. Our goal is to make your game popular in the whole world, not just one country
We work on development roadmap with you, making your game perfect in terms of user acquisition and revenue
Our cases
Our cases
Get in touch
Get in touch
Tell us more about your app and get a free traffic test
Don’t be shy! The faster you tell us everything, the faster we’ll reply